Bajaj Auto has launched the new Chetak 2901. It is currently the most affordable variant of the Chetak electric scooter priced at Rs 95,998 (ex-showroom). Moreover, this electric scooter is cheaper than the Chetak Urbane and Premium models by Rs 27,321 and Rs 51,245, respectively. The Chetak 2901 retains most of the hardware from the more expensive versions but lacks some software upgrades and features. The scooter will start reaching dealerships on June 15, 2024. This launch follows Rajiv Bajaj’s announcement that a new Chetak model will be introduced every year. What’s New in Bajaj Chetak 2901 Edition? The Bajaj Chetak 2901 has the same stylish design as other Chetak models, with a modern-retro look. However, you can now get an option of bold colors, including Red, White, Black, Lime Yellow, and Azure Blue. This electric scooter comes with many features, including a colour digital instrument cluster with Bluetooth connectivity. Customers can buy the TecPac for an extra Rs 3,000. Moreover, you get additional features like Sports mode, Bluetooth connectivity, hill hold assist, reverse mode, and special lights that stay on for a while after you park with the TecPac. The new Bajaj Chetak 2901 has an Economy riding mode. These features make it a well-equipped and attractive choice for electric scooter buyers. Bajaj Chetak 2901 Edition Specifications Bajaj Chetak 2901 has a 2.88kWh battery that offers an ARAI-certified range of 123km. Moreover, it runs on a top speed of 63kmph. It takes 6 hours to fully charge. Compared to the Urbane and Premium variants, the new 2901 has a slightly smaller battery. Furthermore, the Bajaj Chetak 2901 has drum brakes at both ends. The scooter lacks a front storage compartment and remote key fob; instead, it uses open storage bins and a regular key. It retains the direct drive motor seen in other Chetak models. This electric scooter offers a good range and sufficient speed for city commuting. Bajaj has launched the Chetak 2901 electric scooter, which is now sold through more than 500 showrooms across India. Priced competitively, it matches the TVS iQube 2.2 kWh and is just Rs 6,000 more than the Ola S1X Plus 3 kWh. Bajaj aims to keep up with TVS Motor Company, which plans to sell over 25,000 electric scooters monthly with its new product range. Bajaj recently became India's third-largest electric two-wheeler manufacturer, surpassing Ather Energy in monthly sales. Before you go, don’t forget to check out the BMW R 1300 GS Launch date.Follow us for the Latest Bike Industry UpdatesFacebook - Twitter -