The much-loved Bajaj Chetak EV is set to launch its updated version in India on December 20. Lastly introduced in 2020, the scooter has grown steadily in popularity and is now a top choice in the electric two-wheeler segment. With the new model, Bajaj is prioritizing upgraded features and a fresh look. Basically, the aim is to strengthen its position against rivals like Ola S1, TVS iQube, and Ather 450X.
The main thing that is updated in this model is its redesigned chassis. Due to this modification, the battery pack has been shifted under the floorboard. Maybe this is an attempt to make more storage spaces, which is needed by urban riders. Moreover, the brand can introduce a larger battery that can increase the scooter’s range.
Presently, the Chetak offers a range of—113 km per charge. A higher-capacity battery would make it an even stronger contender for commuters looking for a reliable, long-range EV.
Placing the battery lower should improve the scooter’s stability and handling, especially in slow-speed situations or during sudden stops. Overall, these changes aim to make the Chetak a more comfortable and user-friendly ride for city riders.
The focus on practical features, extended range, and improved ride stability should appeal to a wide audience. Urban riders looking for a balance of convenience and functionality may find the new Chetak an attractive option.
The new Chetak is up against fierce competition as the Indian electric scooter industry heats up. Models like the Ola S1, TVS iQube, and Ather 450X raised the standard with the latest technology and outstanding performance. It is evident that Bajaj's improvements are intended to increase their market share in this expanding industry.
Currently priced between ₹99,998 to ₹1.52 lakh (ex-showroom), the Chetak might see a price increase with these updates. However, Bajaj will likely aim to justify the hike with enhanced features and better performance.
As the EV market continues to grow, Bajaj is positioning itself as a key player. The updated Chetak, with its fresh design and features, is a step toward strengthening its foothold.
Bajaj Auto's broader plan to increase the number of electric vehicles in its inventory includes this launch. The business is placing a large bet on the Chetak to keep up its momentum in light of government incentives and growing demand for EVs.
The redesigned Chetak appears to be a competitive and adaptable choice that can meet changing customer demands. Buzz has already been created by its arrival, and Bajaj is hoping that the modifications will draw in even more customers.
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