The KX65 was my son’s first race bike, and it has exceeded our expectations. It’s fast, reliable, and easy to maintain. The handling is superb, giving him the confidence to push his limits on the track.
16 Sept 2024|Mahesh
4 Rating
Compact Powerhouse
This bike is a little powerhouse! The KX65 offers great acceleration and handles corners like a dream. It’s durable and well-built, making it a fantastic option for young riders transitioning to competitive racing.
16 Sept 2024|Warish
5 Rating
Built for Speed
The KX65 is built for speed and performance. My nephew loves it and can’t get enough of the thrill it offers on the track. It’s a bit advanced for absolute beginners but perfect for those ready to step up their game.
16 Sept 2024|Kripal
5 Rating
Perfect for Young Racers
My daughter’s first race bike was the KX65, and it’s been fantastic. The bike is lightweight, and the engine provides smooth, consistent power. It’s a great way to introduce kids to motocross with a reliable, powerful machine.
16 Sept 2024|Shashank
5 Rating
Small but Mighty
The Kawasaki KX65 may be small, but it packs a punch. My son races with it, and the power is impressive for its size. It’s quick and nimble, making it perfect for young racers looking to take their skills to the next level.