Wash Guide

Washing is very much necessary to have an efficient electric scooter. Before Washing, ensure your e-scooter is off, and watch it during wash.

By Bike Junction | Published Jul 20 2023

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Electric Scooter: Maintenance Guide Explained

By Bike Junction | Published Jul 20 2023

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Tires Maintenance

Electric Scooters require a regular check of the recommended tyre pressure. Low tyre pressure can result in speed reduction, slipping risk, and more issues

By Bike Junction | Published Jul 20 2023

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Corrective Maintenance

There are instances where you cannot prevent some unforeseen issues. Correcting them is corrective maintenance. Extra costs can be prevented this way.

By Bike Junction | Published Jul 20 2023

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Wheels Maintenance

Make sure to clean the chain and wheels of your e-scooter. Use a non-soapy sponge and eco-cleaner, and turn the wheel by brushing.

By Bike Junction | Published Jul 20 2023

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Preventive Maintenance

The friendly Preventive Maintenance makes you familiar with your e-scooter. It eliminates most fatal hazards. It keeps you safe and also reduces costs.

By Bike Junction | Published Jul 20 2023

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Taking Care of the Parts of Your Electric Scooter

Youe e-scooter has sensitive parts such as motor, wheel bearings and more. These should be given special care. Doing so will save you a visit to the mechanic.

By Bike Junction | Published Jul 20 2023

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Battery Maintenance

The Maintenance of the battery of your e-scooter is very much necessary. If your battery stops working, replace it with a new one.

By Bike Junction | Published Jul 20 2023

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